Craig Gossman

Craig Gossman

Principal & Owner of the Gossman Group

Craig Gossman is a principal at the Gossman Group. Craig has over 40 years of experience in historic preservation, architecture, planning and urban design. He has worked with a variety of clients including municipalities, developers, and historic property owners. Gossman Group is currently working on mixed-use infill developments in several cities in Ohio and Texas and downtown & neighborhood master plans in Ohio, Illinois, and West Virginia. Craig has a passion for mid-sized communities and enjoys helping city leaders explore the possibilities through strategic planning, historic preservation, architecture & urban design. Craig currently serves as a board trustee for Heritage Ohio.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Pick Your Plan

Have you ever been confused by all the different kinds of planning documents out there? Ever looked on your shelf and wondered why you have so many plans? Do you know you need help, but have trouble navigating acronyms and professional jargon? Ever wish you could just talk with someone about what you need without feeling like you’re being upsold? Join us for this session where we’ll review different kind of planning documents, help you understand why each is important, what it does (and does not) do for you, and how you can get the most out of your planning experience.

1:15 pm - 3:30 pm
Hudson House

Downtown Design Charrette

Join us for an interactive session to learn how a design charrette can be a useful tool in exploring downtown opportunities and ideas. Attendees will participate in a visioning exercise for a mid-size historic downtown utilizing the creative design charrette process. Learn how you can use a design charrette to bring community stakeholders together to share, organize, and prioritize ideas for successful implementation. This session has been approved for 2.00 AIA HSW credits.