President of Downtown Redevelopment Services
Ben Levenger is an AICP planner and registered landscape architect. He is the president of Downtown Redevelopment Services, LLC, a boutique planning firm specializing in assisting communities through building adaptive re-use and developer-readiness projects throughout the continental United States. He also is a “member-at-large” in the Cleveland section of APA and serves on the membership committee for the Cleveland section of ULI.
Parking is almost always the number one PERCEIVED issue within downtowns. These perceptions are creating less walkable or pedestrian friendly corridors. In order to help provide statistical data on utilization and guidance on increased efficiency, a detailed assessment must be prepared. This process is a downtown parking evaluation. This lecture will deep dive into how to perform a parking evaluation, review utilization, and integrate consumer technology into the review process. Participants who attend this lecture will be provided with strategies, a framework, and a defined process for conducting this review. Also, a series of graphic materials and templates will be reviewed and made available for use by all participants. This will allow everyone to table the parking perception problems head-on with numbers and figures, not just ideas.